About Jenifer Jennings

The itch to learn more about the God who saved her motivated Jenifer to switch from pursuing a psychology degree to studying women’s ministry. She learned how to dive deep into God’s Word while gaining her Bachelor’s, but the fountain of knowledge only temporarily satisfied her. With her overactive imagination working nonstop, she jotted down simple stories on notebook paper as she wiped the noses and bottoms of her two toddlers. When her young ones went to school, Jenifer sought to bring her mental movies to life by spending her days hunched over a keyboard, frantically recording the scenes that played in her head. She quickly realized the people described in the Bible were not simply fictional heroes, but everyday people who encountered an extraordinary God.

After publishing numerous novels, Jenifer’s thirst for God’s Word was continuous. She wanted to plunge into the history, culture, and language of the Bible. This never-ending hunger drove the thirty-something woman to obtain a Master’s in Biblical Language Exegesis. Jesus never felt more real to her than when she discovered that she and her Savior shared a love of sarcasm.
Jenifer embodies the saying, “Still waters run deep.” Remaining quiet and reserved on the outside, there is a fountain of passion and wisdom waiting to be unleashed on anyone who asks her a Bible question. She has created captivating worlds and inspiring characters through her Biblical Fiction novels. Her passion lies in painting historical characters that enable modern readers to better understand God’s individual plans for them. Her deepest desire was to immerse others in ancient worlds filled with Biblical characters and faith-building stories that would encourage and inspire them. Jenifer seeks to give a voice to little-known characters, finding her own voice along the way.

Jenifer grew up as a shy, quiet kid who could hardly spell, much less write well. She struggled with feeling unworthy to speak and not being smart enough to be heard. Keeping to herself, Jenifer discovered her imagination contained no off switch. She frequently indulged in daydreaming instead of focusing on reality.
At seventeen years old, when Jenifer was ready to give up on life, God wasn’t ready to give up on her. Orchestrating divine interventions, Jesus rescued her from the chains of darkness and set her on a path of hope. Never having experienced God and His Word, she floundered to find a place among lifelong Christians who couldn’t answer her curiosities. “How did Rebekah recognize Issac when they didn’t have cameras?” “Why did David steal Bathsheba when he already had other wives?” These burning questions and more led her to examine the Bible for herself, devouring one study after another in her quest.

Wanting to find people like her, Jenifer joined a writer’s group and learned how to write a novel in a month. She accomplished the goal in two weeks but self-published the story…unedited. (yikes!) Her husband, a self-proclaimed member of the grammar police, tenderly provided wise counsel and took his red pen to her story. Devastated from the shock of seeing her book baby bleed, Jenifer vowed to never write again. Luckily, the threat only lasted a few days before she returned to polish her story and breathe fresh life into the unwilling victim.
With encouragement from friends, family, and another writers’ group, Jenifer continued to develop her rhino-skin and kept writing. One of her short stories made it into an anthology, and she eagerly anticipated all the accolades that would follow the open door. Sadly, the publishing house folded during release week and once more Jenifer faced devastation.
Not wanting to remain defeated, Jenifer poured herself into learning about the self-publishing industry. Spending hours taking class after class, Jenifer learned how to market, format, cover design, and more. She published a six-novel series about faithful women of the Old and New Testament before turning her attention back to Rebekah’s story. The woman who had started her thirst for more blossomed into an entire trilogy. While researching the New Testament, Jenifer’s discovery of the siblings mentioned in Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3 inspired her to write an entire series on them. When Jenifer started self-publishing Biblical Historical Fiction novels, the tiny sub-genre contained only a handful of traditional authors. Over the years, Jenifer has had the privilege of planting seeds of Biblical Fiction and watching the tiny genre bloom into a self-sustaining orchard of thousands.

Never finding the bottom of her love and hunger for God’s Word, she became a women’s life group leader at her church as another excuse to study and share her findings with others. While still not happy as the center of attention, Jenifer loves nothing more than to watch realization and understanding dawn in the eyes of women when they glimpse God’s bigger picture revealed in His Word.
Jenifer is married to her handsome hubby and they share their lives in Florida with a wise-cracking mathematician and a feisty artist.
You can sign up for Jenifer’s weekly author newsletter, where she shares short but deep devotionals and updates about her latest work in progress.